Friday, January 31, 2014

A Glimpse to The World of A Gamer

When I say the word "video game", what is the first thing that comes to mind? Some may think of the time sitting in front of a TV, enjoying every heart-pounding, action-packed moment from the latest first person shooter game available in the market. Other may picture about the time they spent starring at their phone, playing an unbelievably addictive candy-related app during their leisure time. Regardless of the image that pops up in your head, do you feel like there are something else lingering in the background? like a "bad taste in your month" sort of feeling?

There are negative vibes around "video game." This feeling maybe cause by the many times we being told (probably forcefully) to put down the controller/phone. Or maybe the time that we happened to come across a published article about video games introduce violence to young children.

The question then becomes, is "video game" good or bad for us? There are thousands of online and offline resources supporting both side of the argument. However it seems to me that the general public is mostly exposed to the negative side of things. As a gamer, I'm here to make a stand. My statement is simple and clear, I believe "video game" can have a positive impact to our daily lives, granted that we are using it properly. Therefore, I'm going to make use of this blog to document the findings that supports the positive side of "video game".